Dancing For Birth in New Orleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (New Orleans Prenatal Fitness)

I am so excited to bring a new class for moms to our area. It is Dancing for Birth and it is an excellent way for women enjoy themselves while learning about birth and postpartum. This class has never been offered here but is currently assisting women with labor preparation and adjusment to new motherhood in other parts of the country and all over the world. It is part belly dancing, part childbirth education and part just plain fun! This class is designed to help women get in touch with their inner wisdom and celebrate birth. No dance expereience is needed!!! Just a desire to learn about birth and a willingness to move your body. The confidence in birth and the mind body connection that come from this class can help prepare you for labor. New moms can even bring their babies to move with us, just make sure you have a sling. Babies love the bounce and rythm of the many world dances that inspire the Dancing For Birth moves. Doulas are welcome too! During class we will discuss many movements for aiding optimal fetal positioning and comfort. Doulas may learn something new or find revisiting some of these moves inspiring. I hope to see all of you dancing soon!Classes are currently being offered at Destination Maternity on north Causeway Blvd. And the first class is always free. -Erin

Breastfeeding and the Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(New Orleans Childbirth Classes)

Breastfeeding isn't a single experience. It can be wonderful, stressful, beautiful, trying, tiring, restful and inspiring as well as many other things - in just a day!

I am saddened that another blogger experienced breastfeeding as a 'ball and chain' and that another described a 'super husband' as one who rushes in with formula to save the day. Breastfeeding is something done for the family -For a baby brought into this world who the family is responsible for feeding long after the breastfeeding relationship has ended. I have attended births as a doula, held meetings, enjoyed movies and date nights and more all while exclusively breastfeeding. There's no imprisonment here. Feeding a baby, by breast or otherwise is the job of a family.

Partners, husbands, friends, siblings - Breastfeeding isn't just mom's gig. This is about feeding and nurturing the family, and you all have a role!

Click the links below for the full blog.

See? No chains.​ ​

See? No chains.​

Amanda Devereux is co-owner of Nola Nesting, a doula, Birth Boot Camp Instructor and mom of three breastfed babes.


The Nurture of Women (or Redefining the Hen House)

Gatherings of women often get an unjustly bad rap - the stereotypical hen house image full of clucking, pecking, and feathers flying. Strong, assertive, expressive women are frequently (mis)labeled as "catty" and "bossy," amongst other things. This typecasting begins early in our daughters' social development with groups of girls who are just learning to navigate friendships, be it with girls or boys. I’ve already heard this in reference to gatherings of girls in my daughter’s social interactions, and these loaded words are never used to characterize boys' social behaviors. The thing is, these words do not define my experience, and I find it to be presumptuous, rude, and a very prejudicial and unfortunate way to see the world. I would tell my daughter “it’s unkind.”

The women who share in my life have been and are powerful, uplifting, and empowering. I didn’t view my grandmothers as "catty," but as loving, warm, and generous. I have amazing childhood friends, female ones, that I respect and love. Sure, there are girls I didn’t get along with, women I don’t like, and the same goes for boys and men - but it has more to do with personality and less (well, nothing) to do with gender. I could not be the mother I am without the women, the friends I cherish, mothering alongside me. As an owner of Nola Nesting, I work closely and interdependently with other women. I have so much admiration and love for these women and for all they bring to not only Nola Nesting, but to our clients. They are creative and inspiring, giving and healing women.

As childbirth educators and doulas, we celebrate the power and strength of women, their ability to transform and bring life into this world in a way done by innumerable women before them, a way the predates by millenia the medicalized model of childbirth and the categorization of pregnancy as a condition to be treated and cured. We see women at their most vulnerable and at their most fierce, and I feel nothing short of awe each and every time. I love families at births. The privilege of witnessing a person fall in love with their partner (again) and new baby is one of my favorite parts of birth, but supportive women bring a special energy to labor and birth. The women at my births were tender and held wisdom in a way my very loving, supportive, and nothing-shy-of-amazing husband could not.

To bring Birth Boot Camp to New Orleans, I attended a training in Dallas last month and was surrounded by women I had never met before. These were strong women who were there to learn more about supporting other women and families, and everyone was beautiful, loving, and supportive of one another. I truly enjoyed being in their presence and I left feeling energized and full. In our busy lives it’s not often that we get to gather and just enjoy the company of other women, each uniquely teaching and learning in our turn.

I am grateful for the women in my life, for the way they nurture and encourage me, for being sounding boards, for love and support. These are the relationships with women I want my daughter to see. Whatever she does in her life, whether suffering a broken heart, celebrating a hard-earned victory, pondering life’s meaning, or bringing a baby into this world, I hope she has a support network that includes women who love and celebrate the woman she is. And of course, should she decide to become a mother, I hope she has a doula!


(Disclosure: This blog post was edited, as is much of my work, by one of the profound women in my life.  My sister-by-another-mother - one of the most courageous and witty women I'll ever know.)


​Amanda Devereux is co-owner of Nola Nesting, a New Orleans doula, Birth Boot Camp Instructor, and mom of three breastfed babes.

Building Your Breastfeeding Tool Box

This was written for an amazing local shop and resource for all things boobs and baby, ZukaBaby. I wish I could write a blog called 'breastfeeding made simple.' But, it's just not that simple. For some the baby latches on right away and things are smooth sailing from there to child-led weaning. But I think to paint that as the norm for modern breastfeeding is a disservice to all new and expecting moms out there who really want to breastfeed and may be blind-sided by the time and dedication it takes. Too often I hear stories of breastfeeding gone south due to lack of support or just straight up bad advice. Too often I am counseling a new mom about how to keep or increase her supply after some bad advice has caused her to have low supply.

So, this is for you - all you ladies with the gorgeous bellys. I hope it helps. (just click the links below for the full blog)


​Amanda Devereux is co-owner of Nola Nesting, a doula, Childbirth Educator, and mom of three breastfed babes.

New Orleans Doula Days

Doula Days is an event where expectant mothers and their birth partners get the chance to meet with local Doulas and ask questions. It is an important opportunity for Doulas to clarify exactly what it is we do and who we are. It is a kind of a Doula /Mommy speed date if you will, where mothers-to-be get to briefly meet and interview several doulas at once. The one hosted by Zuka Baby this past week was wonderful. So many families were able to benefit from this by gaining knowledge about what exactly a doula does and how doulas work together with birth partners to bring a “team” of support to mom during labor. And the doulas, myself included, had the chance to get together, share ideas and get to know each other even better. Student Doulas got the opportunity to make connections with more senior Doulas and to get their name out as birth professionals. Things have changed quite a bit over the past few years. There was a time, not so long ago, when most people hadn’t even heard of term “doula”. That is not so much the case anymore thanks to events like these! But finding a doula once you have decided you want one isn’t always easy. If you are lucky, maybe you know someone who can refer you to one. But it is a personal decision, and being able to choose the doula that is best suited for you is important. Nola Nesting came about after realizing just how difficult it can be for women to find quality Doulas and birth professionals. We work hard to bring together birth professionals who meet a certain standard of dedication and professionalism, and we have fun doing it!

​Some of the wonderful Doulas in our community

​Some of the wonderful Doulas in our community